Instant Access to Granite County, Montana Property Records
- Owner(s)
- Deed Records
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- Taxes
- Building Permits
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- Property Details
- And More!
In Granite County, MT, property records provide important information about land ownership, including details about who owns each property and when it was acquired.
These records help accurately assign ownership, establish zoning, and resolve legal disputes related to property. The county includes the towns of Philipsburg and Drummond, as well as the census-designated places of Maxville and Hall, all of which rely on these records for land or property management.
Regarding the local economy, housing market, and tax burden, Granite County property records list an average home value of $244,400.00 and a median rent of $735.00. With a median household income of $47,443.00, residents face a tax burden of 0.68% based on the assessed fair market value of their properties.
For more available statistics or information contained in the property records in the county, refer to the Granite County Clerk and Recorder’s office. This office is the depository for most legal papers relating to real estate such as deeds, mortgages, liens, plats, and other similar instruments.
It instituted online document indexing in 2016, which has made it easier for the public to access property records online. The county now has scanned and indexed documents from 1965 up to the present. It is currently scanning and indexing another 87,000 records. The indexed documents can be accessed through iDoc Market by the grantor/grantee names or the recorded date.
Records not available on the Internet can be requested from the Clerk and Recorder's office at 220 North Sansome St., Philipsburg, MT. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm during which time visitors can browse through older records and get copies in person.
The fees for copies of property records in Granite County, MT, generally vary depending on the type of document. For specific fees, accepted payment methods, and additional details, call the Clerk and Recorder’s office at (406) 859-3771.
For zoning verification, contact the Granite County Planning Department. This department manages all land uses in the county, including zoning regulations. They can provide information on zoning permits, land divisions, floodplain areas, and specific regulations for districts like Georgetown Lake.
Granite County Property Statistics
For an easier overview of the difference in tax rates between counties, explore the charts below. You can also get additional insights on median home values, income levels and homeownership rates in your area.
Median Rent
Median Property Tax Rate
Median Home Value
Median Income
Unemployment Rate (%)
Renter Occupied Housing (%)
Tax Assessor
- Total Parcels: 7,885
- Commercial Parcels: 197
- Residential Parcels: 2,813
- Other Parcels: 4,875
- Tax Amount Population: 76.50%
- Tax Year: 2022
- Last Assr Update: 2022-08-19
- Tape Cutoff Date: 2021-12-31
- Assessment Year: 2022
- FIPS Code: 30039
- County Population: 7885
- Most Current Valuation Date: 2023-03-19
- Total Parcels: 40
- Residential Parcels: 40
- FIPS Code: 30039
- Total Parcels: 7,885
- Geocode Unavailable: 0
- Parcel-Centroid Geocodes: 7,643
- Street-Level Geocodes: 101
- Other Geocodes: 141
- FIPS Code: 30039
- State FIPs: 30
- County FIPs: 039
- Judicial/Non-Judicial: Non-Judicial
- Min Recording Date: 2022-09-22
- NOD Document Count: 0
- NOD Max Recording Date: N/A
- NTS Document Count: 1
- NTS Max Recording Date: 2022-09-22
- LP Document Count: 0
- LP MaxRecording Date: N/A
- NOS Document Count: 0
- NOS Max Recording Date: N/A
Assignment and Release
- FIPs: 30039
- Total Records: 229
- Assignment Min Recording Date: 2022-03-03
- Assignment Max Recording Date: 2023-03-10
- Assignment Doc Count: 14
- Release Min Recording Date: 2021-01-05
- Release Max Recording Date: 2023-03-29
- Release Doc Count: 205
- Other Min Recording Date: 2022-12-23
- Other Max Recording Date: 2022-12-29
- Other Doc Count: 10
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Instant Access to Granite County, Montana Property Records
- Owner(s)
- Deed Records
- Loans & Liens
- Values
- Taxes
- Building Permits
- Purchase History
- Property Details
- And More!